Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 Recap

Another year has came and gone, lets look back on what happened in 2019

Jessa & Ben announce they are  having baby number 3

Joe & Kendra  new to  instagram
Gideon turns 1

Derick turns 30
Jinger & Jeremy makes a big announcement moving to LA

The younger Duggar kids had their spring Recital 
Joe & Kendra announce they are having  baby number 2
Jill & Derick builds a house and moves in
Josh & Anna announce they are having baby number 6

Joy & Austin announce they are having baby number 2
Josiah & Lauren announce they are having their 1st after having a misscarige
Ivy Seewald was born on May 26th

Garrett turns 1
Mary (Grandma Duggar ) passes away
Josh & Anna announce that baby number 6 is going to be a girl
Joe & Kendra announce that baby number 2 is going to be a girl
Josiah & Lauren announce that baby number 1 is going to be a girl
Josiah & Lauren celebrited their 1 year of marriage

Joy & Austin announce that they had a misscarge with baby number 2 and named it Annibell
 Felicity turns 1 
Jason & James gradute from homeschool

John & Abbie announce they are welcoming their 1st child 
John & Abbie had a gender reveal party
John & Abbie announce that their 1st child is going to be a girl

Austin,James ,Jason,John David helped in the Bahamas after it was hit by Hurricane Dorian

Mackyznie turns 10
Daxton King is born
The Duggar took a trip to the Grand Canyon and LA

Joe & Kendra welcome their 2nd child Addison on November 2nd
Josiah & Lauren welcomed their 1st child Bella on November 8th
Josh & Anna welcomed their 6th child Maryella on November 27th

Josie turns 10

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