Friday, April 19, 2019

The Dillards Built a house and moving

We are excited to announce that Jill and Derick a built a house in Lowell, Arkansas and its will be closer to Jill's parents house, here are some pictures we like to share with you all.


  1. Congratulations....I bet momma is happy to have you close Jill.

  2. Congrats Jill and Derrick.Love you all and your testimony and how you all live for Christ.the kiddos look so much like grandpa Jim Bob.especially Izzy.Sams getting so big and handsome too

  3. Congratulations! So happy for all of you!

  4. If he's in law school and she does not work..How did the build a new house ?
    The house they were living in was huge..It belonged to mom and they need too let Jessia and Ben and bots move in there especially with the new baby coming..
