Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Ideas For the Birth Announcement Of Joesph and Kendrea baby boby

With Joseph and Kendrea's due date for their little boy is not until  June 17, 2018 we thought we ask you the fans of what birth announcement we should but in the title it has always been baby blank is here or the baby name is here  or grandbaby number blank is here . so you get to chose what you want us to use as the title when that time comes .

1.Joseph and Kendra welcome baby #1

2.Grandbaby #11 is here!

3. Baby Duggar is here 

4. Baby name is here 


  1. My idea is how about this one Joseph and Kendra are please to announce the birth of(baby's name)...I think that would be a cute idea to do..

  2. Pleased to announce the birth of baby duggar
