Sunday, June 26, 2016

having one on one time

in one of the episodes of duggar back when 18 kids and counting was on and episode the Michelle talks about when their birthday her and jim bob would ask one of the kids who has a birthday where would they want to go for their birthday in this episode it was james birthday he wanted to go to bowling alley  , but it don’t have to be a kid/kids birthday to have one on one time with michelle and jim bob or just one of them cause with 16 kids michelle and jim bob try have one on one time with one of their 16 kids who are still living at home
joy with her parents on her birthday she just wanted to chose one on one time with them for her birthday

Josie having her one on one time with her mom michelle
Jackson with his buddy team and parents on his  12th birthday, Jackson chose to have his with buddy and parents

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