Tuesday, February 9, 2016

remebering grandpa duggar

just 6 days after having his birthday on feb 3rd, 2009  grandpa duggar
sadly passed away on feb 9th ,2009
he was dad to jim bob and Deanna duggar
at the time of grandpa duggar death he had 19 grandchildren who were
1 josh, 2 jana, 3 john, 4 jill, 5 jessa, 6 jinger, 7 joseph, 8 Josiah, 9 joy, 10 jed, 11 jer, 12 Jason, 13 james, 14 Justin, 15 Jackson, 16 johannah, 17 Jennifer, 18 Jordyn, 19 was amy she is the daughter of Deanna duggar
so 11 months has pass in  December of 2009  Josie was born so she will never get to know her grandpa and nether the 6 great grandchildren who are mackynze, Michael, marcus, Meredith, Israel, spurgeon will never get to know their great grandfather
so if grandpa duggar was still here today he would be a grandpa to 20 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren.

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