Monday, August 24, 2020

September blog schedule


Michelle 13th

Jeremy 5th

Mason 12th


Josh and Anna's 12th year 

Joseph and Kendra's 3rd year 

Other blog post 

September 11th blog 

September blog recap 30ths

October blog schedule 30th 

August blog recap

 1- Joy and Austin welcomed their daughter 

2- Israel started his first day of school 

3- Joseph and Kendra announce they are expecting a 3rd child 

Israel's 1st day of School

  Israel is the only Duggar grand kids  who is going to public school for the 1st time cause today was his first day of school for the school year of 2020-2021, this school year for many around the world is going to be different for some cause they are doing online schooling or where some are still able to do in person but have to take safety measures by 6 feet distance, masks wearing and hand washing, and one way hall ways due to covid 

Baby Girl Forsyth is Here

 Joy & Austin have welcomed their daughter into the world on August 21st at 2:12 p.m. and in at  weighing 8 lbs., 5 oz. and is 19.5 inches long.


Grand Baby #20

 We are Happy to announce that Joseph and Kendra are expecting their 3rd child that is due in Febuary of 2021 .

August Blog Schedule


* Josiah Duggar 28th
* Kendra Duggar 11th
* Jennifer Duggar 2nd

 other blog post 

August recap

September blog schedule 

July Blog Recap

 1-Jinger and Jeremy announce they are expecting their 2nd child 

2- Jason gets instagram