Sunday, June 30, 2019

Our June Recap

The Duggar's have had so many ups and downs.

1. Garrett turned 1
2. Josh and Anna announce the gender of their 6th child
3.Amy and Dillon King announce the gender of their 1st child
4.On June 9th Jim Bob's mom Mary passed away
5.Josiah and Lauren announce the gender of their 2nd child
6.Joseph and Kendra announce the gender of their 2nd child

1 year of marriage

Happy one year of marriage to Josiah and Lauren

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

July blog schedule

Here is our July Blog Schedule

James 7th
Samuel 8th
Meredith 16th
Jim Bob 18th
Felicity 19th

Wedding anniversary
Jim Bob and Michelle 21st

Other blog post
August birthday cover 30th
August blog schedule 30th
July Recap 30th

2 more Grand Daughters

In our last blog post we shared that Josh and Anna reveled that they are having a Girl, this time Josiah and Laruen along with Joseph and Kendra both reveled the gender of their little one and we are  please to say that both of the ladies are going to be having Girls this November, and it is at this time Joy haven't yet shared the gender of her 2nd child .

Friday, June 21, 2019

Duggar Bunch

If you ever heard or seen the show called the Brady Bunch well, Josh and Anna reveled the gender of their 6th child and its going to be a Girl, that's right 3 boys and 3 girls and that means Josh and Anna will be the real life Brady Bunch but already married.

5 years of marriage

Happy 5 year of marriage to Jill and Derick.


Sunday, June 9, 2019

Heaven Gained an Angel

It is with heavy hearts  that we pass on the news of Grandma Duggar (Mary) passing it is conformed by all the Duggars that Grandma Duggar did indeed passed away yesterday afternoon. So at this time go show the Duggars your love and support in this hard times.

Below is a tribute that the family wrote
Mary found great joy in sharing her love for Jesus and her own story of how at age 15 she asked Christ to forgive her for her sins. It was at that time she committed the rest of her life to live for Him, a commitment she kept with devotion. She loved to share with others how they too could be forgiven of their sins, live a fulfilling life as a Christian, and one day spend eternity in heaven.
She is survived by her daughter Deanna and her son Jim Bob, 21 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren, with several more great-grandchildren on the way!

On May 26th Grandma Duggars (Mary) had her birthday but she welcomed her Great Grand Daughter Ivy Jane
Grandma Duggar (Mary) with Ivy Jane