Tuesday, February 14, 2017

happy valentines day

happy valentines day to these couples



in a courtship

jessa and ben got married on november 1st


Monday, February 13, 2017

Baby Seewald has a name

Baby Seewald has a name , and his name is Henry Wilberforce Seewald
and here is how Ben and Jessa come up with the name
and henry is named after William Wilberforce, a politician and philanthropist who was instrumental in putting an end to the slave trade, William Wilberforce has son name henry , William has a son name henry, but jessa and ben didn’t name their son after William’s son but just jessa loved the name henry

Friday, February 10, 2017

tyler turns 9

happy birthday to tyler ,
tyler is a great  nephew to michelle duggar , and recently he been with living the family for some time now and The family has been awarded custody of him.
and you might’ve seen him in a few family pictures that the family post on their facebook page

Monday, February 6, 2017

baby seewald is here

Baby seewlad is here and it’s a boy
baby seewald was born early this morning on  feb 6th at at 4:26 a.m. weighing 8 lbs. and 11 oz., and measuring 21 3/4 in. long.” Mom and baby are both doing well , now we are just waiting on the name of the baby

this is from people magazine ~ http://people.com/tv/jessa-duggar-seewald-welcomes-baby-no-2/?xid=socialflow_facebook_peoplemag