Sunday, August 28, 2016

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

New GrandDuggar On The Way

As of today it was announce that Jessa and Ben will welcome a new little baby in February of 2017 , so soon more info coming

Friday, August 12, 2016

Duggars old photos

On our fan page I have asked you duggar fans to pick which pictures to vote for our next blog post and you guys chose here are our top 4 pictures
Jana, Jinger, Jill , Jessa and Joy

Jill and Josiah

Little Joseph and Jessa

duggars and bates from left to right josh, john,michaela with alyssa ,jill,erin,jessa,zach,lawson,jinger,nathan,jana

Sunday, August 7, 2016

jill and derick are back

just in as of last night the duggars welcomed jill, derick and Israel back to the us and  who were in central America doing some mission work for sos ministries , the sos ministries is group that is run by or founder of sos ministries mike schadt who is a dear friend to the duggars who they been on this sos mission over the years , derick and his little family was in central America for short term mission work .
mike schadt founder of sos ministries

in the past this mission group of sos ministries the duggar have enjoyed going to and all the duggars kids who are 10 and older gets to go on this mission trip to central America to serve the families best most favorite of going on is the Honduras and el Salvador mission trips  in December . here some pictures of the duggars on their past mission trips , so the kids who been these mission trips are josh,john,jill,jessa,jinger,joseph,josiah,joy,jed,jer,jason,james,justin,jackson,johannah ,amy, anna, jim bob and sometimes michelle and next year in December of 2017 it will be Jennifer’s first mission trip and jana and her mom michelle or grandma stays back to watch the little ones , soon in 3 to 4 years it will be hard to belive that all of the duggar kids have went on this mission trip cause Jordyn will 10 in December of 2020 and Josie for December 2021 and around that time it will be mackynzie’s first time as well if she want to do it .

Tuesday, August 2, 2016